During the school year 2018/19 students developed several projects using the IDiverSE activities and methodology. It was an impressive implementation period since students created amazing outputs and shared them with the community in a fun and very professional way!
Here you can see some of the students outputs and results. We hope you enjoy!

Teachers created IDiverSE and Eco-Schools reusable bottles and gave one to each student in the school to reduce the plastic waste of the school.
Students composed a song (melody and lyrics) about the importance of using sunscreen when directly exposed to the sun

Two games were developed, one in paper and another in a digital format using Scratch to share the harms but also the so important benefits of being exposed to UV radiation
Several pollinator friendly plants were planted in the school garden and in vases, together with important information about bee conservation!

Several artistic vases were built with pollinator friendly plants planted in them
... and distributed with the community

An artistic piece was created to bring awareness about what would happen to the world, if bees disappeared
Some information about UV radiation and the electromagnetic spectrum was provided

Very creative pollinator hotels were built and exposed
Bracelets using UV sensitive beads (change colour with UV radiation exposure) were created, and distributed to children in a kindergarten.

A puppet show and a theatre were composed and presented to kindergarten children, to teach them about UV radiation and how to behave towards it .. and a leaflet was delivered to the children's' parents to raise awareness in the families
Students learned how to make homemade sunscreen and shared it with their families

A school garden was revived by the students, who also built a pollinator insect shelter and placed it in the garden
Students shared their work on local newspaper and TV show

Teachers organized a conference in the school, about bees and went to the local TV channel to talk about IDiverSE and their students' work
Students created multi-coloured UV sensitive bracelets which they used to raise funds while raising awareness in their community

A local cleaning action was implemented where students walked a trail, collecting all the plastics they could find
... the students washed the plastics they collected and transformed them into amazing pieces of art, full of meaning, which they shared with the community in order to raise awareness for the problem of plastic pollution in their community

Overall ... during this year, the IDiverSE students went through a new adventure, full of many fun and interactive learning activities, going out of their comfort zones but experiencing an engaging, motivational fruitful and meaningful school learning environment.